LESS Triage pocket
LESS Triage pocket is a functional bag that is attached with a strap around the waist and contains 10 reflective tapes for four categories red [ACUTE], yellow [URGENT], green [NORMAL] and gray striped [LIFELESS].
The reflective tapes are very easy to use for identification of patients. The system has been developed for first triage in the event of major accidents and mass casualties.
Our reflective tapes withstand water and dirt and are therefore well suited in all types of weather conditions.
Included in LESS stretcher pack pro, LESS stretcher pack compact and in several of our emergency systems.
LESS Triage pocket can be delivered in all languages, subject to a minimum number. For the Armed Forces and the Police, it is available in black, and can be ordered in the desired camouflage pattern, also subject to a minimum quantity. Separate folder for PHYSICIAN/DOCTOR available in accordance with Norwegian National guidelines for mass casualty triage from the Directorate of Health IS-0380.
A simple system
In the event of a major incident or disaster, it is a main task for the first on scene to gain an overview of the incident and to prioritize the injured for evacuation.
There are several medical algorithms for such prioritization, or triage, and LESS has developed a simple labeling system. This system works regardless of which algorithms are used.
Mass casualty triage is a system for quickly assessing and categorizing the injured based on the severity of the injuries, in order to prioritize medical treatment and save as many lives as possible.
Categories may vary depending on the triage system used, but common triage categories often include some variation of the following:
Acute (RED: life-threatening)
Urgent (YELLOW: severe)
Normal (GREEN: non-life threatening)
Lifeless/dead (GREY: lifeless or dying)
Triage tags help identify patients and continuous reassessment is essential to ensure optimal use of resources.
Since the days of Dominique Jean Larrey, many different solutions have been developed and proposed for marking casualties in a mass casualty, ranging from simple to complex. We firmly believe in the need for simple solutions in handling mass casualty incidents. The marking system in the LESS Triage folder is as simple as it is intuitive to use.
Read more about mass casualty triage in the Directorate of Health’s “National guide for mass casualty triage”.